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How to make good website

What to avoid so that your Web site does not scare away Internet users?

Finally, I would like to address a very important matter that many people seem to forget. A basic knowledge of HTML is sufficient to create a webpage, but to create a good website that will be frequently visited and something to be truly proud of, you need something more:

  1. Carefully consider the theme of your website. Of course, no one will stop you from publishing information like your dog's name is Azor and your cat is named Mruczek, but can such information really attract readers? Keep in mind that some people access the internet from their smartphones or tablets, paying for the amount of data downloaded from the web. Will anyone be willing to spend their time reading such information? Try to find a topic that interests you, is original, and can pique the interest of others. Usually, focusing on one field brings better results than writing about a little bit of everything.
  2. Be cautious when selecting colors for your site, especially regarding background and text. Uninteresting or glaringly bad color combinations are the most significant giveaway that the site's author is an amateur. Imagine what customers would think of a company that has a website with a green background and red text (or, worse, the other way around)! Avoid bright colors in the background at all costs. If you lack ideas, stick to white background and black text - it's the safest option. Dark or delicate pastel colors (light) also yield good results. The background must never hinder the readability of the site, so choose an appropriate text color.
  3. Don't overdo it with graphics. Knowing how to add images to a webpage doesn't mean you should inundate it with them. Remember that graphics have the most significant impact on page loading speed, so limit their quantity and size. If you must include images, ensure they are of high quality. When creating your images, use antialiasing to smooth out jagged edges. The hallmark of a skilled designer is the efficient and skilled handling of graphics that seamlessly blend with the site's appearance.
  4. Examine other reputable websites. Pay attention to the design. More is not always better. Sometimes a simpler design looks better and, most importantly, is more readable than elaborate decorations. The most critical aspects are a good idea and the color scheme of the site and graphic design. If you don't make an effort, your site will immediately say, "There's nothing worth noticing here; you can leave." Most good websites on the internet are structured as follows: at the top, there's a banner or site logo, on the left or right - the menu, and next to it - the page's content. This doesn't mean you have to strictly adhere to this canon, but if you want a similar structure, in the main content of the page (BODY), you can enter something like this:
    <header style="text-align: center">You can place the site's logo here</header>
    <nav style="width: 300px; float: left; overflow: hidden">
    Here, you place links to the table of contents
    <article style="margin-left: 320px">
    Here, you input the page's content
    <footer style="text-align: center; clear: both">You can place the site's footer here</footer>
    and you will get:

    You can place the site's logo here
    Here, you input the page's content
    You can place the site's footer here
  5. Navigation on the site is crucial. A confusing page layout, a menu that makes it hard to find anything, and similar issues are common reasons for users to become discouraged and leave a website. When designing the system of links, try to put yourself in the shoes of internet users. Remember that they don't know the site as well as you do and may not want to delve into the details. Therefore, it's a good idea to place hyperlinks to the most interesting sections in a visible place, implement a search system, or an index. For more extensive sites, it's advisable to divide them into thematic sections. The navigation method should be comfortable, practical, logical, and easily accessible.
  6. Pay attention to the correctness of spelling and the stylistic quality of the text. Learn the rules for entering punctuation marks. If there are many errors on a website, the author likely has nothing important to convey.
  7. Make an effort to regularly update the site's content and remove any errors that arise. Improve the graphic design and navigation system to prevent the site from becoming dull. Inform users about new features and maintain communication with them via email. Be open to constructive criticism.

If you have any objections about this website or know how something can be done better,